November 8, 2019

Interviewing & Hiring: Selecting the Best Candidate while Complying with the Law

Regardless of the field or industry, employers consistently describe properly recruiting and hiring talent among their businesses’ greatest challenges. There are numerous legal pitfalls associated with […]
January 30, 2020

Are You Responsible for the Investment Performance of Your Company’s Retirement Plan?

The number of class action lawsuits by retirement plan participants against employers, their officers and directors, has exploded in the past few years. These suits have […]
February 11, 2020

New York State’s Salary History Discrimination Statute & Equal Pay Act Amendments

In 2019, New York State adopted a new salary history discrimination law which, in essence, prohibits employers from making inquiries about an applicant’s current or past […]
March 3, 2020

Doctor’s Notes, Work Restrictions and the Absent Employee: Know the Rules!

You have received a doctor’s note releasing your employee from work – now what? This seminar focuses on the problems employers face when dealing with employees […]