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Employee Benefits Program
Each year, our awesome actuarial partners conduct a Central New York benefits benchmarking survey (did we mention that we’re partnered with one of the world’s largest and most respected providers of actuarial and related products and services?!).
The Benefit of Benefits Benchmarking
…try saying that three times fast!
Participation in the survey provides you with an Individual Custom Report (ICR) that includes overall survey results as well as specific benchmarking data comparing your plans to thousands of other local and national employers. This information ensures that you and your team have what you need to make well-informed decisions when it comes to your employee benefits program. It also serves as a sort of “check up” on the relative strength of your organization’s overall Reward, Recruit & Retain Strategy.
The benchmarking data helps to answer questions like:
- How do our employee benefits compare to other local employers?
- Are our wellness and disease management plans on par with peers?
- What are other employers doing in response to ACA?
- What is the prevalence of high-deductible plans in the area?
- What kinds of cost control strategies have other employers been using?
Fill out the form below to let us know you’d like to participate in our benchmarking. All fields are required.