October 16, 2017

Is It Time To Scrap Your Employee Handbook?

Too many employers spend hours putting together their company handbook without first undertaking a thoughtful analysis of the handbook’s objectives, possible unintended consequences, or even what […]
October 31, 2017

Social Media In Today’s Workplace

The impact of social media in the workplace has quietly gained significance over time. Despite the expanding use of all types of social media by both […]
February 13, 2018

Workplace Harassment: Practical Strategies for a Changing Climate

Workplace harassment claims often blind-side employers. They are high-risk, expensive and perhaps the most difficult to defend of all employment related lawsuits. Particularly frustrating for an […]
March 1, 2018

Salary History Discrimination

New York State is at the forefront of new employment based prohibited inquiries related to requesting certain salary information from applicants.  Recently, New York City and […]